
Lego Paderborn City Hall

  • Jul 27, 2019
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Lego Paderborn City Hall

In cooperation with the town of Paderborn we modelled the centre of our town with the town hall. Our LEGO Town Hall consists of over 15,000 individual bricks and is almost one metre high on a scale of 1:40.

The resulting model is also the focal point for a LEGO image film about the city of Paderborn. We have recreated beautiful moments and annual events in front of the town hall with LEGO bricks.

The soundtrack also comes from the region: Mayor Michael Dreier personally took over the speaker texts and a specially composed soundtrack was composed by the Paderborn music studio IMAscore especially for the LEGO film. The well-known melody of the Paderborn song can also be heard here and there in an orchestral version.

Lego model of a cathedral5:32

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Making of Lego Paderborn City Hall5:21

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