- Sep 8, 2014
Reader's letter in the magazine THE QUEENS
Since the Queen Mary 2 arrived in Hamburg in 2005, my family and I are great fans of the "Queen of the Seas". In 2012 and 2013 we realized our dream and traveled on board. From the very beginning I built the Queen Mary 2 out of Lego and showed it, when we were on the Queen, to Captain Christopher Wells. He gave me an autograph with great joy and wondered how exactly one can build "his" ship from Lego. Finally, with a few friends, I created the project "Lego Queen Mary 2-movie". Since last summer we met regularly and shot a total of 8,000 pictures, which we processed to a film. Everyone in the team took part (scenery, post-production, website, camera, music, "catering"). [...]
Your QM2 Legofilm team Tim, Tim, Timo, Luca, Sebastian and Ben.